Warning about oil of oregano
As for oil of oregano, this is a VERY POTENT OIL. If you do not dilute this with olive oil, it will BURN your skin rather than help it. Do not feed it to your child either. It is way too strong for their little tummy's to handle. Lastly, do not put it near their eye. It will sting like no other. I used a TINY and I mean at first almost a tiny amount that could have seemed somewhat insignificant at first when I used this on my baby. But, I found that even with that tiny amount- it helped with my baby's weeping eczema. Here are some facts to read about oil of oregano that I found. Sorry, it's so ghetto. I'm not a professional blogger so I'm just putting links to some of the articles I read below. My point is, please do your own research and see if this is for you.
- http://www.carvacrol.co/eczema-can-be-healed-with-oregano-oil.html
- http://www.natures-pantryny.com/common/news/store_news.asp?task=store_news&sid_store_news=9&storeID=56000b8bc6ea445a8fa0642732f3d949
Once the eczema is gone, you do not need to keep applying the oil of oregano mix onto the skin. You can just hydrate with the puriya cream. We still use that on my daughter because it's a good cream in general. We stopped using the oil of oregano mix a long time ago. I only used it on her if she had random flare ups. I called it my natural "steroid" mix. It went away within days which was so nice to see.
With that said, I am going to share a couple of pictures of my friend's daughter who started developing eczema at 2 months. She contacted me before going to the pediatrician because she didn't want to start using steroids on her 2 month old. These are the pictures she sent of her daughter's before and after. She wanted me to share just to show that even a 2 month old can use oil of oregano as long as it is heavily diluted. Also, she used the puriya cream to moisturize. That's all she used to clear up her daughter's skin in less than a month. I am so happy that this worked for her baby as well. If you use this regiment, please send me any before and after pictures. It helps to know that it is working for others as well.
This is what her oil of oregano + olive oil mix looked like. It is majority olive oil in here. Like 99%.
Here is how she looked before she used anything
January 29, 2018
February 1, 2018 ( 4 days after using the mix )
March 12, 2018. No more eczema